عطر فريد من نوعه يحتوي على رائحة زهرة اللافندر والنعناع وخشب الأرز المنعشة.
صنع في باريس. (100 مل)
صنع في باريس. (100 مل)
السعر بعد الخصم12.500 KD
السعر قبل الخصم25.000 KD (/)
مذكرات لامار
When can I expect my orders?
Expect your products to be shipped within 1-2 days.
Can I pay with ApplePay?
Feel free to use ApplePay, Visa, Mastercard, or Knet for your payments.
What is the best sellers?
Their are many but mostly Tatera, Jayan, and Deema. Their scent and aromas are iconic and preferred by many of our clients.
How often should we spray Tatera's Marash per day?
We recommend spraying on fabrics or curtains or carpets at least 3 times per day and specially 10 min before your preferred occasion.